Promising ways of increasing the availability of mortgages in Kazakhstan


  • K N. Beketova Кызылординский государственный университет имени Коркыт Ата
        40 81


housing loans, mortgages, mortgage insurance risk, the credit bureau,


The article describes the main ways of increasing the availability of mortgage lending in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Taking into account the features of the model of market mortgage insurance risks and development of credit bureaus. Is especially difficult in our country approach to the problem of establishing the institution mortgage is trying to use models, working exclusively in a stable economy, a reliable credit and financial system, stock market highly, educated and economically active population, as well as strong support from the state, primarily as a guarantor longterm sustainability of relations inherent mortgage. However, these characteristics sustainable economy can not be fully applied to Kazakhstan


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How to Cite

Beketova, K. N. (2015). Promising ways of increasing the availability of mortgages in Kazakhstan. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 100(6), 293–299. Retrieved from