The current state of the deposit market of Kazakhstan


  • A. A. Danelyan Казахский национальный университета им. аль-Фараби


deposit polic, commercial bank, deposit market, interest rates, household deposits,


This article considers and analyzes the trends on the market of Kazakhstan bank deposits ( growth of volume , decrease of interest rates , the growth of deposits of individuals and legal entities , etc.), market problems ( methods of competition ) , and the effects of changes of interest rates on bank deposits by Kazakhstan Deposit Guarantee Fund. The purpose of the article – analysis of the current situation and the dynamic of the development of Kazakhstan market of bank deposits and deposits for individuals. In the work is given a comparative analysis of deposits proposals for individuals from 2010 to 2013, analysis of performance indicators and structure of the major market players of deposits. As a result, were identified key trends and prospects of market development of deposits for individuals in modern conditions



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