The state of development of small and medium business in the program « Road map business-2020”


  • A. K. Oteshova Қазақ-орыс халықаралық университеті
        86 109


the medium small business, business, support of the State, innovation, competition, investments,


The author of the article reveals the problems of development and support of small and medium business as one of the priority directions of industrially-innovative development of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Entrepreneurship is an important factor in economic development of the enterprise. Entrepreneurship is a necessary link that helps to improve the welfare of the people, to shape a competitive economy, its modernization and diversification. The comparative analysis of countries successes achievement, the issues of business development .Measures of rendering support of small and medium business are provided in material. Benefits are small and medium business economy. To provide regular work of small and medium business. Features program “Road map business-2020”. Foreign experience of small and midsize businesses was also examined. The main factors restraining the development of entrepreneurship in each industry are: the limited financial resources allocated to support businesses, a sharp jump in prices,the low level competitiveness of local entrepreneurs.


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How to Cite

Oteshova, A. K. (2015). The state of development of small and medium business in the program « Road map business-2020”. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 100(6), 213–219. Retrieved from