Social development of Kazakhstan at the present stage


  • E. M. Karimgozhina Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz
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social policy, social protection, social security, protection of social rights, social benefits,


The article is devoted to philosophical reflection on the concept of social development and social policy. Also in this article were discussed the problems of social security and its facilities - all key elements of the social system to ensure the quality and standard of living, which are regulated by the national and social policies. Kazakhstan model of multilevel social security, despite the high level of solidarity, it differs with distribution of responsibility for the welfare state between employers and employees. The stabilization of the socio- economic situation of the country allowed deploying a full-scale reform of the state social security system, which was based on the principle of targeted social policies for different categories of people, starting from birth and up to his old age. However, in the social development it is necessary to solve the following problems: persistent poverty and unemployment, the great inequality of the population by income; not completed the creation of a unified system of social standards and norms and etc


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How to Cite

Karimgozhina, E. M. (2015). Social development of Kazakhstan at the present stage. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 100(6), 155–158. Retrieved from