Sustainable development of innovations in Kazakhstan: on the way to a knowledge-based economy


  • R. I. Danabayeva Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, The Santiago de Compostella University
  • U. K. Shedenov Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
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innovation policy, industrial-innovative development programm, technology, economic growth, national innovation system, sustainable development,


Kazakhstan’s economy has expanded rapidly over the last decade, osting one of the fastest paces of growth in the region. Kazakhstan is becoming a critical part of the emerging “New Silk road” that connects the East with Europe, Turkey and the Middle East. The paper analyses the national innovations systems, the institutional framework of innovation policy and the state of science, technology and innovation (STI) in the Republic of Kazakhstan. As a country with abundant natural resources, Kazakhstan is still facing challenges in transforming into a knowledge-based economy. The strategic course of Kazakhstan for industrial-innovative development provides necessary conditions for elaboration and implementation of new scientific ideas and technologies. The strategy of development of Kazakhstan till 2050 together with such documents as the Strategic Development Plan up to 2020, or the State program of Forced Industrial-Innovative Development of Kazakhstan for 2010-2014 provide regular, necessary conditions that support the development of research, technology and innovation in Kazakhstan. And advantageous geographical position, regional integration initiatives and an improving business climate are three key reasons why Kazakhstan is emerging as an attractive investment destination.


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How to Cite

Danabayeva, R. I., & Shedenov, U. K. (2015). Sustainable development of innovations in Kazakhstan: on the way to a knowledge-based economy. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 100(6), 80–87. Retrieved from