State of population in countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States in the beginning of 21st century


  • M. Grešš University of Economis in Bratislava
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population, CIS, cluster analysis, demographic variables, recommendations,


In recent decades, we witnessed a dynamic evolution of the population not only at the global level, but also in different regions and countries. The aim of this article is to explore the populations in member countries of Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). We then formulate recommendations to ensure convergence not only among the studied countries, but also between them and the developed countries of the West. In conclusion, we note that state of some demographic variables is not at a sufficient level, which implies the necessity to take measures to ensure a positive demographic trend, together with measures to ensure the effective functioning of the economies of the countries in the CIS region


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How to Cite

Grešš, M. (2015). State of population in countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States in the beginning of 21st century. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 100(6), 64–72. Retrieved from