Popular strategies to create competitive advantage


  • A. N. Mamyrbayev АО Казахстанско-Британский технический университет
        62 83


competition, competitive advantage, Kaizen, business strategies, strategic management,


This article explores the famous strategies of business development identified by well-known international researches. In this work, Japanese business philosophy of business development- «Kaizen» was considered. The analyzed sources prove that Kaizen can be used not only by big companies, but it can be successfully used by small and medium enterprises. Furthermore, the difference in running business by western companies and Japanese companies was considered. In particular, it was found that western companies are more focused on innovation, while their Japanese counterparts focus their efforts on involving all personnel, beginning from working class to top management, in “Kaizen”. Alternative point of view and critique for the Japanese framework were provided by the professor of Harvard Business School Michael Porter. In the last section, based on the examples of international researches, the importance of integrated marketing communications in creating of sustainable competitive advantage was emphasized.


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2. Olabisi jayeola1* sokefun, a. o. 1. oginni, b.o.1. Kaizen Cost Management Technique and Profitability of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) in Ogun State, Nigeria, Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, ISSN 2222-1697, Vol 3, No 5, 2012.

3. Портер М.Ю. Конкуренция: Перевод с английского языка, Издательский дом Вилльямс, ISBN 5-8459-0055-7, 2003.

4. Kotler P. & Armstrong G. Princples of Marketing 12ed, Pearson International Edition, ISBN 0-13-712-827-4, 2008.

5. Porter E.M. Competetive advantage: Creating and sustaining superior performance, Free Press, New York, ISBN 0-684-84146-0, 1998.


How to Cite

Mamyrbayev, A. N. (2015). Popular strategies to create competitive advantage. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 99(5), 158–164. Retrieved from https://be.kaznu.kz/index.php/math/article/view/532