Profitability dynamics of innovative enterprises in RK oil and gas sector


  • A. M. Myrzabekova Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби
        53 52


Oil, oil production sector, innovation, innovation activity, Statistics data of World Bank (WB), International Economics Forum (IEF), Statistics materials of RoK statistics Agency,


Given article is dedicated to consider points becoming more actual, for enterprises in oil and gas field on current development stage. This points concern profitability dynamics of innovation enterprises in oil and gas industry of RoK. In article, comparative analysis of RoK innovation enterprises profitability for several years is given, also dynamics of main indicators of RK oil and gas field development in comparison with other macroeconomics indicators of country. Also, history of RoK oil and gas sector was considered, its condition for current moment, oil and gas sector enterprises competitiveness as a whole also was considered. In the end of article, appropriate conclusion is given on investigation.


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[Режим доступа]: ttp://


How to Cite

Myrzabekova, A. M. (2015). Profitability dynamics of innovative enterprises in RK oil and gas sector. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 99(5), 139–144. Retrieved from