Prospects of the development of priority sectors of Kazakhstan's economy through national programs


  • A. Z. Nurmagambetova Казахский экономический университет им. Т. Рыскулова
        67 72


economic sector, prospects, sales, investment project, the enabling environment, the state, entrepreneurship,


In this scientific article prospects for the development of priority sectors through national programs to implement the message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan were examined. The investment policy of the state through the national programis presented as a set of measures for regulation and stimulation of investment process, based on the formation of the hierarchy of goals and investment mechanism for achieving them in order to ensure sustainable socio- economic development.Investment policy is developed and implemented by the interaction of the state government bodies of national and local level, as well as local authorities. Besides the state investment policy industry, regional and investment policies of individual entities are distinguished. All of them are closely related to each other.In the economy rising and increasing of efficiency of production sectorial investment policy formulated at the level of individual inter-branch complexes and industries also plays an important role.


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How to Cite

Nurmagambetova, A. Z. (2015). Prospects of the development of priority sectors of Kazakhstan’s economy through national programs. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 101(1), 99–104. Retrieved from