Foreign expertise organization innovation.


  • М. М. Suyunchalieva Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби
        49 101


Concept of innovation development, venture capital firms, Strategy of industrial -innovative development strategy innovation, breakthrough innovation,


Formation of the organization of innovative activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan is one of the leaders in the development of the country itself. In Kazakhstan , the last few years, interest in innovation has grown very significantly – even at the level of governments have taken measures to stimulate innovation. Innovation in Kazakhstan has not yet received that theoretical and practical level , which would help to bridge the technological gap , change in the nature and volume of production in all sectors of the economy . Kazakhstan to enter on terms equal partner in the world community , it is necessary to define a circle macrotechnologies by which it can become internationally competitive high-tech products . In modern conditions, a significant impetus to innovation processes can give the development of integration , cooperation ties at the national and international level . Thus, the inherent theoretical and methodological foundations of innovation require further development and generalization. In this regard, the present article describes the features of advanced technology , and in this paper we consider the experience of foreign countries to innovate in practice.


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5 Концепция Инновационного развития Республики Казахстан до 2030 года.

6 Государственная стратегия развития Республики Казахстан.


How to Cite

Suyunchalieva М. М. (2015). Foreign expertise organization innovation. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 104(4), 183–187. Retrieved from