Level of living of population: concept and groupment of factors influencing to him


  • М. Zhanat С. Торайғыров атындағы Павлодар мемлекеттік университеті
  • К. М. Zhumaksanova Т. Рысқұлов атындағы Қазақ экономикалық университеті
        80 92


level of living of population, indicator of level of living, groups of factors of level of living, quality of life, needs,


To date almost in the entire countries of the world conducted works as evaluated by life of population on the basis of different indexes that is characterized by the state of life. But, in all such works present some defects, such as: different perception (understanding) of sense of category "level of living of population"; absence of the universal system of indexes of level of living etc. Such defects does not allow to determine and compare level of living of population in the scale of region, country. To remove higher the enumerated theoretical-methodological defects, it is necessary: firstly to give concrete determinations to category "standard of living of population"; secondly to form the complex of indexes of level lives characterizes that level of living of population from different parties. In the third, to group these indexes of complex on parties lives of population, that they characterizes. Only such system gives possibilities will define and to compare level of living of population of different countries and regions. In aims to form such theoretical-methodological the complex of measures in the articles is examined level of living of population from different parties and concrete determination is given to him. Distinguished his differences from a category "quality of life". And also, formed groups of factors on the characteristic signs of influence whether that another side of level of living of population.


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How to Cite

Zhanat М., & Zhumaksanova К. М. (2015). Level of living of population: concept and groupment of factors influencing to him. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 104(4), 40–45. Retrieved from https://be.kaznu.kz/index.php/math/article/view/438