Investment attractiveness of joint stock companies: definition and main approaches


  • A. S. Jondelbayeva Докторант PhD Казахского Экономического Университета им. Т. Рыскулова
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investment attractiveness, investment attractiveness’ analysis, financial analysis,


Investment attractiveness is of particular importance in the present conditions, the emergence of a large number of joint stock companies in various sectors of the economy of Kazakhstan. In our opinion in the literature the assessment of investment attractiveness in terms of the participants of the investment process received little attention, the relationship of investment attractiveness and life cycle of the company is little investigated. In modern conditions there is a need in such methods of attractiveness assessment which takes into account all the factors affecting theenterprise activity, from the macro-level – level of the State, to the micro-level – level of the individual project. View of the modern science toimplementation of indicators investment attractiveness of the business was expanded, during the process of development of the company’s investment policy the first step is assessment of its investment attractiveness.


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How to Cite

Jondelbayeva, A. S. (2015). Investment attractiveness of joint stock companies: definition and main approaches. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 101(1), 60–64. Retrieved from