“Index of the World Bank’s Doing business, as a tool for evaluating the effectiveness of regulation of small and medium-sized businesses”


  • D. Y. Belousov Международная Академия Бизнеса
        64 78


External concrete business environment, lending procedures, economic integration, bureaucracy export and import regulations,


The article discusses issues relating to the effective regulation of business activity, which is a creation of the external business environment, which will be provided under the most favorable conditions to support the development of entrepreneurship at the optimum combination of interests of business and the state.


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4 Выступление Министра экономики и бюджетного планирования Республики Казахстан Ерболата Досаева на заседании Правительства РК, 22 января 2013 г. http://www.zakon.kz/top_news

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How to Cite

Belousov, D. Y. (2015). “Index of the World Bank’s Doing business, as a tool for evaluating the effectiveness of regulation of small and medium-sized businesses”. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 101(1), 44–48. Retrieved from https://be.kaznu.kz/index.php/math/article/view/37