Mediation as a method of conflict resolution in Kazakhstan


  • D. O. Sadvakasov Центрально-Азиатский университет
        99 596


mediation, the concept of mediation, the Mediation Institute, the human factor, the corporate, commercial, management and prevention of conflicts,


The article considers mediation as a method of conflict resolution in Kazakhstan as well the development of a unified concept of mediation in Kazakhstan, to provide quality services to resolve and prevent conflicts in various areas. Mediation is a court procedure and a link designed to work for the removal of the conflict, relaxation of tension in society. The scope of the mediation may be: civil, labor, corporate, commercial, family, educational, and other disputes. Today, the public does not develop a common understanding of the nature of mediators. Most people hardly know the profession of mediator and as a result, it has a low level of confidence. To maximize the development of mediation in the country, you need not the assumption of corruption, public information and specific information available, the creation of a professional base for the training of competent professionals, the development of a unified concept of mediation in Kazakhstan, and the provision of quality services to resolve and prevent conflicts in various areas, the development of civil society and a comprehensive study of the practical experience of other countries that have successfully mediation mechanisms. Mediation as a method of conflict resolution is notable, his liberalism. The conflict should be considered from three standpoints: legal, economic, and personal.


1 Закон Республики Казахстан «О медиации» от 28 января 2011 года № 401-IV (с изменениями от 17 фераля 2012 г.)

2 Дмитриев А.В. Конфликтология, Гардарики. – М., 2000. – С.223

3 Конституция Республики Казахстан. 1995 год. – Ст.5.


How to Cite

Sadvakasov, D. O. (2015). Mediation as a method of conflict resolution in Kazakhstan. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 97(3), 173–177. Retrieved from