The Analysis of infrastructural part of the tourist branch of Republic of Kazakhstan


  • G. M. Ospanov Карагандинский государственный университет им. академика Е.А. Букетова
        50 186


tourism, tourism organizations, tourism objects, purposes of tourism trips, problems of tourism,


Due to the fact that tourism is an interdisciplinary fi eld of economics, covering not only accommodations, but also transport, communications, food industry, entertainment and much more, this fi eld affects every continent, country or city. The value of tourism to the economy of Kazakhstan is very large. In this paper it has been showed the current state of the tourism industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The main statistics indicators of the industry were analyzed, in particular - the number of users served by type of tourists, the number of active tourism organizations (travel agencies, tour operators and self-employed) and those working in the tourism sector. The distribution by category of accommodation facilities for 2005-2010 was shown by authors and the number of users served by purpose trips during the period was also analyzed. This article aims to identify the main trends and challenges of becoming the national tourism industry.


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6 (Таможенная система Республики. Транспортная система Казахстана. Дата обращения: 16.02.2013 год).

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How to Cite

Ospanov, G. M. (2015). The Analysis of infrastructural part of the tourist branch of Republic of Kazakhstan. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 96(2), 71–76. Retrieved from