Imitating modeling of the mechanism of stockpile management


  • R. T. Ismailova Казахский национальный технический университет им. К.И. Сатпаева
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stocks, management system of stocks, optimum size of the order of a resource, mathematical model of purchasing logistics, imitating model,


In article the mathematical model of purchasing logistics for determination of the optimum size of the order of a resource is considered. The imitating model of stockpile management with strategy application "a maximum – a minimum" is developed and imitating experiment for finding of the optimum size of the order of a resource with the minimum costs of goods acquisition, of storage and of expenses is made. The developed imitating model of a control system of stocks considering concrete features of system and a condition, allows to make administrative decisions


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How to Cite

Ismailova, R. T. (2015). Imitating modeling of the mechanism of stockpile management. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 95(1), 42–44. Retrieved from