Academic mobility as a factor of intellectual innovative development


  • M. Tulegenova Казахский национальный университет им. аль-Фараби
        64 48


Academic mobility, оverpopulation, aging and migration of population, innovations, international integration in Higher Education,


Global demographic and geopolitical changes, the transition to a new technological system, scaling transformation of capital need updating and internationalization of knowledge. There is growing demand for qualifi ed specialists who are prone to continuing education and able to migrate and adapt quickly in countries with different institutional conditions. Academic mobility allows to achieve the additional effect from scientifi c and practical knowledge, ideas and traditions of different countries. In Kazakhstan, the implementation of a strategy of innovative development, active participation of foreign capital dearth specialists owning new technologies in the production process, as well as in management. The state program of modernization of the higher education system aims to create open model of education and science and internationalization of higher education. The Magna Charta Universitatum, signed by Kazakhstan in 2003, and participation in the Bologna process in 2010, allows students to study at leading universities in Europe and in the world. No less promising form of higher education in Kazakhstan, in the format of internationalization could be, in our opinion, the franchise with the most prestigious universities in the world.


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How to Cite

Tulegenova, M. (2015). Academic mobility as a factor of intellectual innovative development. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 95(1), 11–16. Retrieved from