Development strategy of innovation and investment cooperation between Kazakhstan and Germany


  • Ж. С. Скандарбек КазНТУ им. К.И. Сатпаева
        56 94


economic development, strategy, partnership, cooperation, innovation.


This article is about economic relation between Kazakhstan and Germany. In this research is considered the most important topic of economic. That is cooperation between Germany and Kazakhstan, that unchanged state priority is. Development of partnerships with all countries is noted in forward-looking Strategy «Kazakhstan-2050».


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3.3. Глобальный подход и политическая дальновидность Манфред ГРУНД, депутат Бундестага (ФРГ) /21.12.2012

4.4. Послание Президента народу Казахстана «Социально-экономическая модернизация – главный вектор развития страны» 27.01.2012 г. ( kazakhstan-n-a-nazarbaeva-narodukazakhstana_1339760819).

5.5. Германо-казахстанский экономический ежегодник 2011/2012 ( deutschkasachisches wirtschaftsjahrbuch 2011/2012).

6.6. Германо-казахстанский экономический ежегодник 2012/2013 Deutsch- Kasachisches Wirtschaftsjahrbuch 2012/2013.

7.7. Германия инвестирует в Казахстан ( v-Kazahstan.html)/22.12.2012.


How to Cite

Скандарбек, Ж. С. (2015). Development strategy of innovation and investment cooperation between Kazakhstan and Germany. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 94(6), 92–96. Retrieved from