Social modernization of society and the role of the budget in its provision.


  • M. K. Kozhakhmetova Казахский экономический университет имени Т. Рыскулова
        46 140


Budget, the budget system, the gross domestic product, economic policy, social policy, social modernization, government spending, the state program,


As part of the Strategy “Kazakhstan – 2050”: a new policy state of the necessary measures are taken to improve the budget system of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It is well known that the efficiency of the function of the state, mainly depends on the construction of a corresponding management system. One of the main objectives of state finance management is state to promote sustainable and efficient economic development by optimizing the budgeting. Relevance of research on the role of the budgetary system in addressing of socio-economic problems in the Republic of Kazakhstan by the fact that its operation in the state is directly related to the implementation of the socio – economic interests of society and its citizens. The budget system of Kazakhstan has a social orientation, it is necessary to improve the forms and methods of governance to achieve efficiency and targeted use of budgetary funds.


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How to Cite

Kozhakhmetova, M. K. (2015). Social modernization of society and the role of the budget in its provision. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 103(3), 77–84. Retrieved from