Project management in state regulation: problems and solutions


  • А. Мәлік
  • С. Жалелева
  • A. Пастернак

        104 425


Increased globalization has led to the widespread application of project management systems
in many areas of business operations. This article is intended to examine the theoretical and methodological
approaches to project management in ensuring the competitiveness of the national economy
as it pertains to the implementation of its government programs and projects. Through the scientific
analysis of current-day publications on project management in the public sector, the authors substantiate
the need for its introduction into Kazakhstan’s practice, which will increase the competitiveness of
economic activity. The theoretical and methodological substantiation is based on the utilization of the
magic triangle of project management: “quality – time – budget”, which makes it possible to develop
algorithms for the performance of the main functions of project management by government agencies.
The article emphasizes the need to use the international experience in the practical implementation
of project management of public authorities in the execution of government programs and projects in the context of global instability, accompanied by various risks, crisis situations, limited resources, and many
other effects. In the national science, there is yet a lot to be done on a thorough analysis of a project
management system implementation in government agencies on the path of Kazakhstan’s entry into the
top 30 most competitive countries in the world.
In this regard, this article discusses issues arising in the implementation of the project management
system in the government bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan and ways to address them.


How to Cite

Мәлік, А., Жалелева, С., & Пастернак A. (2019). Project management in state regulation: problems and solutions. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 130(4), 135–144.



Aspects of state regulation of sectors of the economy