Ensuring the value chain as a factor in industrial competitiveness


  • Т. Шталь
  • A. Рахимбекова
  • Г. Укубасова
  • Е. Әмірбекұлы
        51 50


This article examines the issues related to the assessment of the competitiveness of enterprises, in
particular, the oil refining industry. Also, the article describes the tasks of managing the value chain, the
solution of which will lead to the achievement of the main objective of the enterprise, which will entail an
increase in the investment attractiveness and competitiveness of the enterprise. In the market system of
management, the problem of forming such a value creation chain is being actualized, which, on the one
hand, allows an enterprise to increase its own economic efficiency, and on the other, does not burden it
with performing unusual activities and does not reduce the specialization effect. The development of the
market economy actualizes the problem of increasing the competitiveness of Kazakhstani enterprises.
When solving this problem, an important task is to establish the reasons preventing the growth of the
competitiveness of enterprises in a particular industry. Achieving competitiveness, and – more importantly
– maintaining competitive positions for a long time, is possible only with such an organization
of production and marketing processes that functions more efficiently than competitors. This article will
analyze the features of the organization of the value chain in a company operating in the oil industry.
For the rational formation of the value chain of the product, it is necessary to evaluate its effectiveness in
order to maximize the results of the enterprise’s operations.


How to Cite

Шталь, Т., Рахимбекова A., Укубасова, Г., & Әмірбекұлы, Е. (2018). Ensuring the value chain as a factor in industrial competitiveness. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 125(3), 290–297. Retrieved from https://be.kaznu.kz/index.php/math/article/view/2022