
  • К. Мухтарова
  • A. Мылтыкбаева
  • Г. Есболганова
  • С. Худайбергенова
        58 37


The development of small and medium-sized enterprises is one of the priorities of state policy in Kazakhstan. Its successful implementation determines the further economic and political development of the country. Currently, the country established a certain basis for the development of SME. The number of registered small businesses in the country is increasing annually. The share of small and medium-sized businesses in the country’s GDP is around 25% in the private sector employs over 60% of the employed population. However, there is not enough focus on small business trade and the manufacturing sector. For example, more than 46% of active small businesses are concentrated in trade, repairing of motor vehicles and household goods, 14% – in construction, 12.1% – in the sphere of real estate operations, renting and business services, 10.9% – in industry. This involves the creation of favorable conditions for the transfer of small and medium-sized businesses in the manufacturing sector, as well as strengthening its position in the service sector.
In the current article authors tried to do the detailed analysis of different regions and accordingly it was found out that there are regional specificities of each area in Kazakhstan. Differences especially strongly manifested in comparison of regions with significant population, more developed industry, and significant reserves of minerals.


How to Cite

Мухтарова, К., Мылтыкбаева A., Есболганова, Г., & Худайбергенова, С. (2019). STATE REGULATION OF REGIONAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN THE INNOVATIVE ECONOMY. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 121(3), 16–27. Retrieved from