Order of forming of accounting of the income at the entity and the principles of their classification


  • О. Когут
  • Б. Бекзатова
        55 38


The article considers the peculiarities of the enterprise income and accounting income. Revenue
from sales of finished goods and goods purchased and services is determined by the cost of implementation
provided for in the agreement (contract) between the parties. In accounting, income is calculated as
the difference between income and expenditure determined in accordance with IFRS. Taxable income is
the sum of the yield (loss) for the period determined in accordance with the tax laws. The tax regulations
differ from the accounting requirements as a result there are differences in the definition of accounting
income and taxable income. emporary or permanent differences may arise when the amendments due
to changes in accounting policies or correction of fundamental errors made by adjusting the opening
balance of retained earnings.


How to Cite

Когут, О., & Бекзатова, Б. (2017). Order of forming of accounting of the income at the entity and the principles of their classification. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 120(2), 305–310. Retrieved from https://be.kaznu.kz/index.php/math/article/view/1914