Global energy consumption and importance of renewable resources


  • С. Кондыбаева
  • Р. Кабылкайраткызы
        54 45


Energy is inevitable for human life and a secure and accessible supply of energy is crucial for the
sustainability of modern societies. Achieving solutions to environmental problems that we face today requires
long-term potential actions for sustainable development. Economic growth, along with accompanying
structural changes, strongly influences world energy consumption. As countries develop and living
standards improve, energy demand grows rapidly. Increased demand for appliances and transportation
equipment, and growing capacity to produce goods and services for both domestic and foreign markets,
also lead to higher energy consumption. From this perspective, renewable energy resources are in all
likelihood the one of the most efficient and effective solutions. That is why there is an intimate connection
between renewable energy and sustainable development. This article presents current energy resources
data and human activity on it. As energy consumption and economic growth of world is directly
depends on each other, here the issue about efficiency of energy saving. Active and passive measures
which can be taken by us, can solve some issues relating to energy consumption problems.


How to Cite

Кондыбаева, С., & Кабылкайраткызы, Р. (2017). Global energy consumption and importance of renewable resources. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 120(2), 295–299. Retrieved from