System support and main problems of youth entrepreneurship


  • Г. Бодаубаева
  • A. Жолдасова
        47 31


Youth Business plays a major role in solving social and economic problems, such as creating new
jobs and reducing unemployment, training of qualified personnel. Empowering and enhancing the impact
of youth entrepreneurship necessitates the use of its potential. Youth Business is a significant segment
of the small business. Young people are the most important link in the business environment. After
all, today’s youth, youth entrepreneurship will shape our country in 10 years, the development of today’s
youth business will depend on the pace of economic growth and development of our country tomorrow.
Thus, to date, youth entrepreneurship is one of the priorities of small business development in Kazakhstan.
Creating an enabling environment to encourage young people to engage in entrepreneurial activity
is seen in various programs of national and regional level. Considering the above, the article provides
predprinematelstva problems of youth. Special attention is paid to supporting youth entrepreneurship.


How to Cite

Бодаубаева, Г., & Жолдасова A. (2017). System support and main problems of youth entrepreneurship. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 120(2), 274–278. Retrieved from