Analysis of revenues and expenditures of the state budget of the Republic of Kazakhstan


  • A. Асилова
  • A. Арын
        320 1416


The article contains an analysis of the revenues and expenditures of the state budget of the Republic
of Kazakhstan, as the country’s main financial plan. Highlights of the factors affecting the changes of
According to the research, in the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2015 the state budget revenues compared
to the previous period, increased by 4,28% and amounted to 7 634 805 million tenge.
State budget expenditures amounted to 8 227 097 million tenge. This is by 5,6% more than last year.
The largest amount of expenses allocated for social assistance and social security, so in 2015 the figure
was 1 713451 million tenge or 20,8% of the total cost. Education expenditures amounted to 1 364 737
million tenge or 16,6% of the total costs. In third place followed by the health care expenditures, which
amounted to 863 899 million tenge in 2015, accounting for 10,5% of the total State budget expenditure.


How to Cite

Асилова A., & Арын A. (2017). Analysis of revenues and expenditures of the state budget of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 120(2), 183–189. Retrieved from