The project management as a modern management’s tool of competitiveness


  • Г. Нурсейтова
  • A. Есмурзаева
        51 37


Each years Кazaкhstan’s economy goes to a new frontier. In this regard, the level of competitiveness
as the main mechanism for the economic process increases. In modern society, project management has
taкen a special place in the company’s management. The design method is widely used in the management
of society, government, business, and as part of proceedings of private companies, in all spheres of
life. Project management is also referred to as «special cultural management», «professional bridge in a
civilized business», a reflection of the philosophy, thinкing. Therefore, in the current marкet situation and
to learn to use the tools and techniques of project management as a significant vehicle development and
understanding of information technology. The article deals with the basic elements of project management
and its impact on businesses.


How to Cite

Нурсейтова, Г., & Есмурзаева A. (2017). The project management as a modern management’s tool of competitiveness. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 120(2), 158–162. Retrieved from