Management of entrepreneurial risks


  • М. Ноянов
  • М. Ахметов
        37 60


In the course organizations’ activity situations constantly arise when
there is a need to choose one of several options. An important feature
of the management decision-making processes is the necessity of taking
into account the impact of uncertain factors and consider all the possible
consequences of the alternatives presented for selection. Therefore there is
played an important role of Foresight methods, allowing making management
decisions based on an assessment of possible future situations and
choosing from several available options for making the most effective in
relation to the particular situation. In order to stay in the economic market,
every company has to make the best decision for manage business risks. In
the managing business risks is very important how does work managerial
department of company. Accordingly in order to manage business risks
managers of managerial department have to know about all possible ways
to make the best decision.


How to Cite

Ноянов, М., & Ахметов, М. (2017). Management of entrepreneurial risks. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 119(1), 332–337. Retrieved from