The analysis of foreign systems of pension provision


  • A. Изекенова
        53 177


The article discusses the features of pension systems of some foreign
countries - Australia, Finland, the Netherlands, Great Britain, the United
States, Japan, Sweden, Chile, and Russia, which represent a combination
of the three main institutions of pension provision. Firstly, social assistance
as a tool to fight poverty in the developed countries. Secondly, compulsory
pension insurance to reach the minimum required level of life in old age.
Thirdly, individual voluntary insurance as a tool to accumulate funds on a
voluntary basis for life support during the cessation of work activity. Also
synthesized information about pension systems in different countries in the
world. Results of Allianz Asset Management’s research, rated in the index
of pension systems, are also analyzed in article.


How to Cite

Изекенова A. (2017). The analysis of foreign systems of pension provision. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 119(1), 226–235. Retrieved from