Employment problems in Kazakhstan


  • Ilyashova G.K. Sadykhanova G.A. Al-Farabi Kazakh national university, Kazakhstan, Almaty
        99 90


employment, labor market, modernization, employed population.


Problems of employment of the population, unemployment and labor
mobility is always the focus of scientific, social, political and economic
life. In its policy to establish and maintain employment Kazakhstan has gone
from planning and decision-making techniques used by the socialist economy
to a predominantly market mechanism to maintain and regulate the process.
However, the economic crisis and the subsequent stop, bankruptcy and liquidation
of enterprises, reducing the need for workers led to the widespread use
of methods of state regulation and the maintenance of employment. Therefore,
the President’s message, this problem is always current.
The Message of the President NA Nazarbayev to people of Kazakhstan
on January 27, 2012. “Socio-economic modernization - main direction
of development of Kazakhstan” highlights the beginning of a new stage
of Kazakhstan’s way for the next decade, which means new challenges to
strengthen the economy and improve the people’s welfare. This article discusses
the basic provisions of the Message. In addition to focus on the main
conclusions to regulate the economic relations of the employed population.


1 Poslanie Prezidenta – Lidera nazii Nursultana Nazarbaeva narodu Kazakhstana. «Cozialno-economisheskaya modernizaciya
– glavni vector razvitiya Kazakhstana» // Kazakhstanskaya pravda, 28 yunvariya 2012 goda.


How to Cite

Sadykhanova G.A., I. G. (2017). Employment problems in Kazakhstan. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 118(6), 120–123. Retrieved from https://be.kaznu.kz/index.php/math/article/view/1747



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