Commercialization of green technology projects in Kazakhstan: key factors and barriers


  • Zhidebekkyzy A. Mukhtarova K.S. Al-Farabi Kazakh national university, Kazakhstan, Almaty
        67 43


commercialization, green technology, research results, innovation management, sustainable development.


Green technologies are essential tools to ensure sustainable development
of the economy. The transition to a green economy requires changes
in existing governance approaches, institutions, and markets. One of the
important indicators is a successful implementation of research results in
green technologies. In this regard, the author analyzed green technology
projects in Kazakhstan in terms of commercialization. Research objectives
are to patent analysis of projects and to identify key factors and barriers
that affect the successful commercialization of technologies based on the respondents’
opinions. Interviews with representatives of 14 green technology
projects and 9 experts were conducted and analyzed. In the result of total
23 interviews factors and barriers affecting the commercialization of green
technologies in Kazakhstan were identified. The overwhelming majority of
experts emphasized the importance of financial, infrastructural, technological
and personnel factors. It is necessary to take into account all mentioned
factors and develop complex measures to overcome barriers. That would be
basis for successful of transition from “brown” to green economy.


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How to Cite

Mukhtarova K.S., Z. A. (2017). Commercialization of green technology projects in Kazakhstan: key factors and barriers. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 118(6), 100–105. Retrieved from



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