The competitiveness of oil industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan in conditions of globalization


  • Zh., A. K., D. Kalymbekova , Bibolatova Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби, Республика Казахстан, г. Алматы
        58 36


сompetition, globalization, industrial policy, oil industry.


This article considers the current state of industrial policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the creation of competitive industrial, namely, national production, which will significantly strengthen the position of the Republic on the world markets. This article shows the importance and role of the impact of globalization on the competitiveness of the country’s oil industry. Special attention is given to key indicators for assessing the competitiveness of the product. Mainly, it was emphasized that the impact of modernization of the country’s industry has a positive effect on the development of competition, innovation and innovation enhance competitiveness. The conditions that provide a favorable environment for the functioning and development of competition.
We analyzed the typical features and competitiveness of the oil industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Revealed a number of problems and measures to improve the state of the oil industry of our country. Substantiates the importance of the production of competitive products, which due to new conditions of world economic space.


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How to Cite

Kalymbekova , Bibolatova, Z. A. K. D. (2016). The competitiveness of oil industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan in conditions of globalization. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 113(1/2). Retrieved from