The Republic of Kazakhstan’s competitiveness of securities market


  • A., R. M., A. Nurgazina, Gapbarov Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби, Республика Казахстан, г. Алматы
        53 46


«national IPO», trading volumes, development strategy, capitalization, concept of development.


This article observes the formation, development and competitiveness of the modern Kazakhstan stock exchange market for the previous years. The major key factors and indicators influencing growth and competitiveness of the exchange are a share in the market of the companies, which carried out IPO, trading volumes and capitalization. The development strategy of the Kazakhstan stock exchange market for 2011-2013, assigns the special part to implementation of the National IPO program, which results considerably influenced on the development of the exchange and securities market in general. The article analyses such indicators of the Kazakhstan stock exchange market as number of transactions, trading volumes, the prices and a percentage share in the market on the most liquid stocks of issuers for November, 2015. The comparative analysis of trading volumes for the last three years on all tools of the Kazakhstan stock exchange and the comparative analysis of capitalization of stock market of the Kazakhstan stock exchange and stock exchange of Kyrgyzstan is carried out here. During the research, tasks for increase the competitiveness of the Kazakhstan stock exchange market within the Development Concept of financial sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2030 were allocated, and conclusions about competitiveness of securities market were presented.


1 Стратегия развития Казахстанской фондовой биржи на 2011-2013 годы, утверждена решением АО «Казахстанская фондовая биржа », протокол от 24 февраля 2011 года № 3.
2 Официальный сайтПрограммы «Народное IPO». –
3 Официальный сайтКазахстанской фондовой биржи. –
4 Путеводитель для банкиров, рыночная капитализация. –
5 Концепция развития финансового сектора Республики Казахстан 2030, утверждена постановлением Правительства Республики Казахстан от 29 августа 2014 года №954.


How to Cite

Nurgazina, Gapbarov, A. . R. M. A. (2016). The Republic of Kazakhstan’s competitiveness of securities market. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 113(1/2). Retrieved from