Features of the analysis of the distribution of company profits


  • G., K. K., B. Nurgalieva , Aytbaeva
        58 34


income, taxable income, net income, internal and external factors of profit, trust funds.


The global economic crisis has reached the present time requires that the company distributed its financial results optimally. Because in these situations, every business entity must confront and overcome all the difficulties encountered on the way. In a market economy it is important to meet the social and material needs of employees and the role of commercial activity which is the basis for the enterprise, the purpose of which is industrial development. In connection with the emergence and development of market relations increase profitability, increasing profits and reducing costs are the main purpose of the enterprise. In this paper, an example of one company is considered the calculation of taxable income on the basis of statements of comprehensive income, and identified deviations. There is given information about the internal and external factors of income that affect the amount of profit and especially the distribution of net profit. Describe the ways of distribution of net income to the trust funds.


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How to Cite

Nurgalieva , Aytbaeva, G. K. K. B. (2016). Features of the analysis of the distribution of company profits. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 113(1/2). Retrieved from https://be.kaznu.kz/index.php/math/article/view/1596