Modern trends in logistics re-engineering in Kazakhstan


  • A., M., N. T., M. Beyzhanova , Belgozhakyzy , Turlybekova
        95 45


management, marketing, logistics, manufacturing competitiveness, quality, service, industry, infrastructure, innovation.


Currently, the global market for engineering and logistics problems of development is recognized as one of the potential and promising sectors of the economy. Attention is paid to the development of reinzhiringa logistics on a global scale. Anywhere in the world, increased availability of services and products manufacturers, due to increase in the range of certain products or services to consumers, the life expectancy of products on the market fell sharply, and due to this cause every year intensified competition between companies. Accordingly, to solve these problems, logistics reengineering can have their important influence.


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How to Cite

Beyzhanova , Belgozhakyzy , Turlybekova, A. M. . N. T. M. (2016). Modern trends in logistics re-engineering in Kazakhstan. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 113(1/2). Retrieved from