Currency-financial integration of EAEU countries


  • M. D. T. A. Zholamanova Sadykhanova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        61 39         61 34


integration, common currency, currency-financial relations, financial market, legislation, economical convergence, optimum currency area, harmonization criteria, monetary policy, EEU.


The article considers the issues of currency-financial integration, which is necessary and appropriate step in development and strengthening EAEU under the world economic crisis. It is necessary to set unified rules of currency regulation and payment-account operations, coordinated monetary and tax policy. The opportunity to enact common currency in order to decrease expenses of of trade operations and for economic stabilization EAEU countries, which will lead to decrease costs and mutual investments risks, stabilization of inflation and interest rate, when the borrowing cost will also decrease, which very important for small economies of EAEU. It should be noted that the integration processes in the EAEC develop in quite difficult conditions when global problems are aggravated in politics and economics, and politics increasingly affect the economy. In this situation, win only a powerful integration module.


1 Agreement on coordinated macroeconomic policy from 9.12.2010
2 The Minister for economy and financial policy of the EEC told about the stages creating common financial market of EES//,
the Eurasian economic Commission, 10.09.2014.
3 The agreement on the establishment of conditions in the financial markets to ensure the free movement of capital from
09.12.2014 year //
4 The EEC discussed the harmonisation of legislation of member States in the EEU the financial sector // Eurasian economic
Commission . G. 21.10.2015
5 Agreement on the implementation of activities in the financial markets of the Eurasian Economic Union// http://blog.astanaforum.
6 G-Global session: Sustainable development and «green economy» in the Republic Kazakhstan: status and prospects. Category:
banks and financial institutions
7 Interview of the Minister for economy and financial policy ECE Timur Suleimenov LS magazine: «it’s too early to talk
about the creation of supranational controller – the EEC Minister»
8 Evgeny Vinokurov. Altyn instead of the ruble// «Russian Business-newspaper» №997 (18) from May 12 2015.


How to Cite

Zholamanova Sadykhanova, M. D. T. A. (2016). Currency-financial integration of EAEU countries. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 116(4/2). Retrieved from