Problems and prospects of development of investment activity in Kazakhstan.


  • R. N. Zhangirova Кaзaхский нaционaльный университет имени aль-Фaрaби
        42 69


investment, investment policy, capital assets, investment climate, investment activity, investment market.


In conditions of market relations the investment management activities of enterprises should be part of the development of the economy, as it determines the competitiveness in domestic and foreign markets. All this causes the relevance of the chosen topic, the need for continuing research on the problem of increase of investment efficiency. The purpose of this article – study of the role of investment in the development of Kazakhstan’s economy at the present stage, as well as its problems and prospects. It contains analysis of investment activity in Kazakhstan and proposals for improvement of the investment climate and improving the investment attractiveness. In the article given the reasons and problems that prevent attractgiveness of investment into the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as opportunities for the development of the investment process.


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How to Cite

Zhangirova, R. N. (2016). Problems and prospects of development of investment activity in Kazakhstan. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 116(4/2). Retrieved from