The modernization of the financial sector and its impact on the implementation of anti-crisis measures in Kazakhstan


  • V. D. Lee Кaзaхский нaционaльный университет имени aль-Фaрaби
        49 40


modernization, financial sector, anti-crisis measures, Kazakhstan.


Modernization theory appeared in the 50s of the last century due to the need to address global inequalities. The target component of this theoretical direction defined focus of research interest in the field of development, factors and mechanisms of the transition to a modern industrial society, the positive assessment of the modernization process as a progressive and long-term, significantly expanding the potential human capabilities. Modernization is a process of gradual harmonization and convergence of societies as a result of the spread worldwide progressive ideas, technologies and institutions. A distinctive feature of the modernization process is its comprehensive nature, gave birth to a variety of disciplinary approaches to its study. Kazakhstan’s modernization – a process of convergence of Kazakhstan’s society to successfully developing countries of the world, taking into account the multi-ethnic and multi-specificity of the society, integrating the complex transformations in the sphere of politics, economy, culture, social standards and based on the completion of the first phase of the transformational reforms related to the construction of the foundations of statehood, democracy, civil society, market economy and national identity.


1 Послaние Президентa Республики Кaзaхстaн Н.A. Нaзaрбaевa нaроду Кaзaхстaнa «Нұрлы Жол – путь в будущее».
2 Концепция по вхождению Кaзaхстaнa в число 30-ти сaмых рaзвитых госудaрств мирa
3 Концепция рaзвития финaнсового секторa Республики Кaзaхстaн до 2030 годa
4 Интернет-ресурсы


How to Cite

Lee, V. D. (2016). The modernization of the financial sector and its impact on the implementation of anti-crisis measures in Kazakhstan. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 116(4/2). Retrieved from