System of information support of management decisions


  • A. Zh. Dossayeva Университет «НAРХОЗ», Республика Кaзaхстaн, г. Aлмaты
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accounting information, accounting system, information database, users, information support, management decisions.


In this scientific article are considered the economic �content� and importance of information that promotes the �taking� of beneficial management decisions. For information support are shown different requirements, a summary of their interpretation and the differences are presented in this article. Methods of information support of management decisions and the order of information base unit blocks are also disclosed. It should be noted that the main types of methods and technologies of information support allow us to determine the level of special training of employees who form the information. Thus, during the formation of organization reporting is recommended to use a variety of analytical methods, approaches and information technologies that will raise the account information to a new level.


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How to Cite

Dossayeva, A. Z. (2016). System of information support of management decisions. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 116(4). Retrieved from