Standard of living of the population as criterion of social and economic development of Kazakhstan


  • A. E. Shakharova Казахский университет экономики, финансов и международной торговли
        84 45


quality of life, standard of living, index of human development, income of the population, social stratification.


In article the standard of living of the population of Kazakhstan as
criteria of sustainable social and economic development of society is analyzed.
The analysis of the main indicators of social development and a
standard of living of the population is carried out. Indicators of kvintilny
distribution of the income of the population of Kazakhstan, indicators of an
inequality of the income of the population as rapprochement of welfare of
various groups of the population and reduction of differentiation of the income
of families are the priority purposes of social policy of the developed
countries are analysed. As a result of research it is shown that the main
function of quality management of life has to consist in ensuring realization
of requirements of the population, in formation of indicators of their
complex development, identification of the arising problems, development
and use of methods of their decision in achievement of the planned
life levels of quality. Possibilities of Kazakhstan for increase of a standard
of living are closely connected with ability of the country to provide high,
sustained economic growth.


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How to Cite

Shakharova, A. E. (2016). Standard of living of the population as criterion of social and economic development of Kazakhstan. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 114(2). Retrieved from