Methods of decline of risks Abstract: hedging, insurance, diversification.


  • S. T. Sadykova Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби
        70 44


Derivatives, Kazakhstan Stock Exchange KASE, Futures .Options, Market of derivative financial instruments, Urgent contracts market, hedging, insurance, diversification


This article presents the vision of the novice investor in the market of
urgent financial instruments, hedging, insurance, diversification. Analysis
of derivatives for Kazakhstan stock exchange KASE is presented at theoretical
level. The positive and negative aspects of the stock market , futures
and options contracts are identified.
Financial risks can be linked with for example sales of products, the
depreciation of capital invested in assets, purchase of assets , etc.
For this purpose, the derivative financial instruments (hedging instruments)
were invented and an operation to reduce risk with these derivatives
is called hedging.
Long considered the position and Short on contracts in the case of raising
and lowering the price of the underlying asset. Presented an example
on earning and price divergence actually identical instruments. The notions
of hedging, insurance, diversification.


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How to Cite

Sadykova, S. T. (2016). Methods of decline of risks Abstract: hedging, insurance, diversification. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 114(2). Retrieved from