Indicators for the evaluation of the stock market on trading platforms NYSE and NASDAQ


  • A. A. K. S. Tussayeva Аsilova 1Новый экономический университет имени Т. Рыскулова, Республика Казахстан, г. Алматы 2Казахский национальный университет имени aль-Фараби, Республика Казахстан, г. Алматы
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investing in stocks, stock index, the market capitalization of the company, the rate of earnings per share and beta coefficient.


The article discusses the technique of investing in stocks, namely,
what indicators to consider when investing in this instrument. As the object
of the analysis were used trading platforms NYSE and NASDAQ. The
main indicators have been proposed stock index, the market capitalization
of the company, the rate of earnings per share and beta coefficient. The last
factor will help the investor to predict the level of risk of a particular stock.
High dynamics of development of the stock market makes it necessary
to find new and effective management practices. The method of analysis of
market indicators will serve as a reference point in the direction of the market
and the stock assessment. After all, the forecast growth rate or falling action
is not always possible to predict with accuracy. It’s no secret, the emergence
of rating agencies help investors and professional participants in the selection
of issuers of debt securities. Therefore, the publication of the values of “beta”
factor also gives investors more advantages in investing in shares. Comparing
the values of the indicators, the investor share comfortably to rank level of risk
and select an action in accordance with the wishes of investors.


1 Тусаева А.К. Современные тенденции развития рынка IPO// Материалы международной научно- практической конференции «Многогранность оценки бизнеса: проблемы и перспективы в условиях формирования наукоемкой экономики ». – Казахстан, Алматы, 15 мая 2014. – С.1588. – 1594. Материалы For Индексы фондового рынка S&P500. 500.html
2 Материалы платформы http://
3 Дэвид Браун, Лессандра Бентли. Все о стратегиях инвестирования на фондовом рынке. Москва, 2013.
4 Jason Jenkins. Understanding the Beta Coefficient. Investment U. February 3, 2012. detail/26946/beta-coefficient#.VOyT3aBOXW4
5 Stocks and Beta Coefficient. Learn to invest. References


How to Cite

Tussayeva Аsilova A. A. K. S. (2016). Indicators for the evaluation of the stock market on trading platforms NYSE and NASDAQ. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 114(2). Retrieved from