Studying the experience of the state regulation of innovative projects in Almaty


  • K. A. A. S. T. M. Mukhtarova Myltykbayeva Nurmagambetova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        56 39


region, innovation, design innovation, government regulation


Today Kazakhstan applies all existing tools in the world to support
innovation. This article analyzes the current state of state regulation of innovative
activity in Almaty. In this connection it revealed that innovation
play a big role; innovative activity in the country is not a source of increasing
the degree of competitiveness in the world market. Providing state
support of innovative business growth potential of the innovation sphere
in Almaty is very high, taking into account the competitive advantages of
the city in the national economic system – the large number of qualified
personnel, a developed infrastructure, implemented by government support
measures, favorable location and investment climate. Apply belowmentioned
benefits important for our country, as, according to our survey,
it is the problem of tax brakes factor in taking the initiative in this regard.


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How to Cite

Mukhtarova Myltykbayeva Nurmagambetova, K. A. A. S. T. M. (2016). Studying the experience of the state regulation of innovative projects in Almaty. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 114(2). Retrieved from