The objective necessity of the introduction of universal declaration in Kazakhstan.


  • M. Zh. Аrzayeva Әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті
        61 37


taxation, individual person, income, property, declaration.


Recently, one of the topics under discussion is the introduction of
universal declaration of income and property of citizens. Its main goal is to
reduce the volume of the shadow economy. As well as the introduction of
universal declaration of income, on the one hand, provide an opportunity
to catch-all controls over the completeness and timeliness of payment of
taxes from the population. On the other, it will allow to identify the illegal
income. Currently, the presence in Kazakhstan sufficiently low tax rates
on property and income of the population extent of tax evasion are big
enough. In this regard, more effective is to provide tax deductions to the
taxpayer than the provision of benefits or assignment to deduct the costs
of the legal entity to compensate for the individual employee spending.
The government thus hopes to provide comprehensive control over
the reflection of the actual incomes of citizens (natural persons) in their tax
returns. Since 2017 government employees, employees of state-owned enterprises
and national companies will first provide a declaration of income
and assets in the new format, and from 2020 – the whole population.


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2 Назарбаев Н. «Ұлт жоспары ‒ нақты 100 қадам »,
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4 ҚР Салық Кодексі, 01.01.2016 ж. жағдай бойынша.
5 Тусупбеков М.Б., т.
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How to Cite

Аrzayeva M. Z. (2016). The objective necessity of the introduction of universal declaration in Kazakhstan. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 114(2). Retrieved from