Foreign experience of state regulation of innovative projects at the regional level


  • K. A. A. S. T. D. Mukhtarova Myltykbayeva Asanova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        46 73


innovation, region, state regulation, international experience, innovative project.


In this article the foreign experience of state regulation of innovative
projects at the regional level. Comparative analysis of the experience
of developed countries shows that in many countries formed a countermovement
«from the center to the regions» and «from the regions to the
center.» There is a spontaneous process of searching for innovative models
of regional development, while the process of the search model of innovative
development «from above», at the level of national governments. And
if at the level of regions dominated by attempts to real action on the transfer
of development economics with virtually no experience with the formation
of a model to be emulated in other regions, the level of federal centers
dominate the discussion, debate, construction of theoretical models with
a significant lack of real action in relation to the region in the direction of
helping them to change the structure of their economies.


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How to Cite

Mukhtarova Myltykbayeva Asanova, K. A. A. S. T. D. (2016). Foreign experience of state regulation of innovative projects at the regional level. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 114(2). Retrieved from