Problems of development of innovative activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan


  • C. S. A. T. K. M. Kupeshova Tazhieva Nurmagambetova Әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті
        63 34


Innovation, innovative activity, innovative infrastructure, innovation strategy.


There are a lot of projects and strategies are accepted tp develop Kazakhstan’s
innovative activity, innovative infrastructure is carried out. A
lot of expeditions are taking place, articles are written and developed.
But this questions cannot be solved yet, because it hard to bind business
eith science. The word science frightens and mistrusts businessman, young
people doesn’t have will to do science. One way to atract young people
to science is to build innovative activity of technopark structure and to
involve students and magistrants to its managing process, to supply them
with workplace connected with it and to improve the science status.
The main aim of innovative process is to improve economic, sciencetechnic,
ecological and social state of the country by entering innovation,
therefore it will inprove the competetiveness of the country. Nowadays
Kazakhstan’s economic state has big opportunity to carry out technological
innovations,for example to make tools that are neccessary to produce
machine and to do the mining and agricultural production, to find and
unite new methods to save the agricultural production.


1 Тhe World Bank. R&D expenditure (% in GDP). Date Vieews 12.03.2014. Retrieved from: GB.XPD.RSDV.GD.ZS/countries.
2 ҚР ҰЭМ Статистика комитеті
3 Иновациялық менеджмент: Оқулық/ Купешова С.: Қазақ университеті, 2015, 285 б.


How to Cite

Kupeshova Tazhieva Nurmagambetova, C. S. A. T. K. M. (2016). Problems of development of innovative activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 114(2). Retrieved from