The concept of transfer to energy effective economy by perfection of energy audit in the Republic of Kazakhstan


  • N. E. K. A. A. T. Tovma Aktureyeva Akimbaeva Al-Farabi Kazakh national university,
        44 38


energy effectiveness, energy resources, energy audit, energy costs, energy savings, electric power supply, energy audit.


In modern conditions of development the energy observation plays
the key role because it is the complex technical-economical inspection
of organization which is being made to receive authentic information on
volume of energy resources used to identify the structure and effectiveness
of energy expenses of organization, to detect the possibilities of energysaving
and increase of energy effectiveness. By the results of energy observation
the report and energy passport of fuel-energy consumer are being
generated. The aim of energy audit is to evaluate the effectiveness of
fuel-energy usage and work out effective measures to decrease company’s
expenses. In article the steps of energy audit that stimulate its effective
conducting are improved.


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How to Cite

Tovma Aktureyeva Akimbaeva, N. E. K. A. A. T. (2016). The concept of transfer to energy effective economy by perfection of energy audit in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 114(2). Retrieved from