Development prospects and level of innovative activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan


  • S. A. T. M. Kupeshova Nurmagambetova Әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті
        60 46


innovations, innovative activity, innovative infrastructure, innovative technologies.


Independent Kazakhstan entered into the decision phase of new economic
epoch, innovative and industrial development. In the future there is an idea of
creation of «clever economy» based on knowledge. Kazakhstan businessmen
develop new foreign scientific and technical achievements, and inculcate them.
Outside the state different measures appear, to stimulate the process of development
of innovations. But majority from scientific and technical achievements
only for us is an innovation, and for other developed countries it is news of
previous day. Therefore our primary objective is this study of foreign technologies
and equipment, development of national scientific and technical potential.
A competition environment became one of basic principles of country
to provide a strong national economy. One of main requirements of open
market is by satisfaction of necessity of every client, and our task forming
of structure of economy for satisfaction of these requirements. Satisfaction
quickly changing necessities of market will come true only with the use
of progressive and innovative methods. Therefore, mushroom and steady
growth of national economy, innovative environment of country and innovative
infrastructure straight depends on the effective functioning of base.


1 Қазақстан Республикасы Президенті Н.Ә.Назарбаевтың халыққа жолдауы.
2 ҚР ҰЭМ Статистика комитеті.
3 Иновациялық менеджмент: Оқулық/ Купешова С.: Қазақ университеті, 2015, 285 б.


How to Cite

Kupeshova Nurmagambetova, S. A. T. M. (2016). Development prospects and level of innovative activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 114(2). Retrieved from