The problems of the sectoral development of agriculture in Kazakhstan in the framework of food security


  • D. I. R. U. Turarov Kuliev Әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті
        62 42


agro industrial complex, food security, subsidies, import, export, production technologies and infrastructure.


Nowadays growing of the world population food provision today, becoming
one of the most pressing issues. The development of agriculture
will increase food security of population, diversify exports in terms of low
prices for oil, gas and other natural resources; will reduce inflation in the
market, improve the condition of the financial and monetary system. In this
regard, it is important to diversify the agricultural sector and the definition
of the direction of development, increasing productivity and competiveness
of the sector based on innovative technologies. In our country there
are all the economic and climatic conditions to ensure an environmentally
friendly and high-quality food. Therefore, the development of agriculture
should be considered as a package.
This article contains a statistical analysis of the issues of agricultural
industry with the framework of food security, proposed scientific and innovative
methods to improve performance, consider mechanisms to support
the domestic market and export directions to foreign markets.


1 ҚP Пpезидентi Н.Ә. Нaзapбaевтың хaлқынa Жолдaуы «Қaзaқстaн – 2050» Стpaтегиясы қaлыптaсқaн мемлекеттiң жaңa сaяси бaғыты » Aстaнa. 14 желтоқсaн, 2012 жыл.
2 «Қазақстан Республикасы Ауыл шаруашылығы министрлігінің 2014 жылғы қорытындылары және 2015 жылға арналған міндерттері туралы » есебі. ISSN 1563-0358 KazNU Bulletin. Economics series. №2 (114). 2016 269 Тураров Д.Р., Кулиев И.У.
3 // 25.03.11; 12.11.11 4


How to Cite

Turarov Kuliev, D. I. R. U. (2016). The problems of the sectoral development of agriculture in Kazakhstan in the framework of food security. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 114(2). Retrieved from