Factors of increase of efficiency of fixed capital


  • N. A. N. A. Kerimbekova Kabdeshova 1Әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті, Қазақстан Республикасы, Алматы қ. 2Нархоз колледжі, Қазақстан Республикасы, Алматы қ.
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fixed capital, industrial production, scientific equipment, industrial-innovational policy of the state.


The main purpose of the article factors improving the efficiency of fixed
capital in the implementation of industrial and innovation policy in the country.
The article discusses the development of domestic science-intensive industries
at the present time, the development and adoption of new information
technologies, focused on obtaining competitive products, ensuring the
interests of national economic security through the preservation and development
capacity of industry and scientific technology of the Republic, as well as
the regular improvement of the technical condition of fixed assets in enterprises,
the organization policy of constant renewal of fixed assets in Kazakhstan.
At the present time, the actual problem is the renewal of fixed capital. There
is a need for innovative and investment resources to accelerate the replacement
in time, technical equipment, modernization, reconstruction. The surge in new
technology enterprises, particularly insufficient investment for the acquisition of
products of engineering industry. In recent years the rate of investment in the
manufacturing sector are underestimated due to the low technical base of the
enterprise and due to the lack of attractiveness of the investment. In the mining
industry the majorit of investments directed to the oil and gas sector.


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2 Әбдікаримова Г.И. Кәсіпорын экономикасы: Оқу құралы. Алматы: Экономика, 2008. – 367 б.
3 Мемлекет басшысы Н.Ә. Назарбаевтың «Қазақстан – 2050» Стратегиясы қалыптасқан мемлекеттің жаңа саяси бағыты » атты 2012 жылғы Қазақстан халқына Жолдауы.
4 Қазақстан Республикасының индустриалық- инновациялық дамудың 2015-2019 жылдарға арналған мемлекеттік бағдарламасы.


How to Cite

Kerimbekova Kabdeshova, N. A. N. A. (2016). Factors of increase of efficiency of fixed capital. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 114(2). Retrieved from https://be.kaznu.kz/index.php/math/article/view/1258